Fresche Solutions

IBM i Analysis and Productivity Tools

Maximize the value from your RPG, COBOL and CA 2E Synon applications
X-Analysis Suite

Ensuring the Continuity and Quality of Your IBM i (AS 400) Applications

For over 25 years, thousands of IBM i developers have turned to X-Analysis to better understand, maintain, enhance and evolve billions of lines of RPG, COBOL and CA 2E (Synon) code. The suite has everything you need to manage your IBM i application lifecycle, fully understand your data model and modernize your code and databases.

Maintaining and modernizing your system, while continuing to align IT with your business needs, can be costly and risky. X-Analysis tools are instrumental in preserving detailed information about your IBM i, assessing the risk of managing, maintaining and modernizing your code base, improving development quality and reaching your business goals.

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Watch the Recorded 4-Part Series:
Application Understanding

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A Look at the X-Analysis Suite

X-Analysis is a comprehensive suite that provides everything you need to understand, manage and improve your IBM i applications. It allows you to be more productive, make informed business decisions and automate your modernization process.

The suite provides detailed analysis and interactive diagrams that enable an in-depth understanding of RPG, COBOL, and CA 2E (Synon) applications and data. It is used to document, analyze and describe systems in a simple manner that can then be shared throughout the organization, even with members who are not technical. IT professionals can use the suite to extract business rules, audit code quality, perform impact analysis, modernize applications and databases, resize fields, and more.

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X-Analysis Suite Modules

X-Analysis Suite Facet

X-Analysis Suite Facet
  • All
  • APIs and Modular Architecture (1)
  • Application Understanding and Analysis Modules (6)
  • Code & Database Modernization (4)
X-Analysis View provides developers with application and data insight to reduce the time and effort required to modify, maintain and test IBM i applications.
X-Analysis Advisor analyzes code quality, extracts business rules and helps document your entire system: code rules, data model, application and data flows, call structures and more.
X-Datatest prepares test databases for undocumented IBM i applications and helps you automatically develop test cases, mask sensitive data, age dates and view output comparisons.
X-Replay is a function-rich 5250 screen testing solution that provides a flexible, highly-automated method of testing your IBM i application UIs during development.
X-Resize automatically resizes database fields and all fields in affected programs on IBM i to eliminate risk and reduce project length.
X-2E Analysis provides automated and interactive analysis, documentation and impact analysis for CA 2E (Synon) applications on IBM i.
X‑Elevate is a rapid development framework to build modular, next-gen, free-form RPG applications.
X-Modernize is an automated conversion tool that helps you transform RPG applications to modern languages such as Java.
X-2E Modernize is an automated conversion tool that transforms CA 2E (Synon) applications into Java and other modern languages. X-2E Modernize performs the conversion from the recovered Synon model.
X-DB Modernize automatically converts DDS to DDL to provide access to all the latest database features from IBM.
X-DB Transform converts DDS to DDL, remodels table structure and converts data types.

X-Analysis Suite: Key Features

Automated Documentation

Automated graphical documentation makes it easy for IT and business analysts to visualize and understand application design and flow through interactive charts and graphs.

Powerful Impact Analysis

Powerful impact analysis tracks “where used” information starting from a single field or variable through numerous iterations and associated variables and fields.

Access to your data model

Extraction of relational data models from RPG, COBOL and SYNON application environments facilitates database modernization efforts and re-engineering projects.

Key Design & Quality Metrics

Design, quality and complexity metrics help you measure and track program complexities against benchmarks such as Cyclomatic, Halstead, and Maintainability Index.

Automated Documentation of Business Rules

Extraction of business rules from RPG/COBOL applications enables you to cross-reference, view and understand the critical logic that forms the nucleus of the business.

Automated Application Conversion

RPG/COBOL/SYNON and database conversion allows you to transform legacy assets into modern languages and databases quickly, without exposing the business to risk.

Some of Our X-Analysis Clients
